8:31 - Budget musical number, surprisingly funny.
8:34 - Craigslist dancers. Amazing.
8:36 - Even the writers of the show seem confused as to why The Reader was nominated for anything
8:41 - Past supporting actress winners step forward to present award like at the end of Predator 2. . . Too obscure?
8:46 - I appreciate Goldie Hawn's rack as much as the next guy, but I think those things probably need to be retired.
8:53 - I'm hoping all of the unfunny jokes in the Tina Fey/Steve Martin screenwriting bit are Steve Martin's fault.
8:58 - Political grandstanding at Oscars for first time in history.
9:07 - Wall*E wins!
9:10 - For purposes of animated short category, Academy graciously pretends that Pixar was not eligible for this category.
9:11 - "Domo arigato Mr. Roboto." Thank you very much stereotypical Japanese animator.
9:23 - Grandiose period piece that nobody saw or liked wins for costume design
9:44 - Janusz Kaminski chills with a very baked James Franco and Seth Rogen. Legendary.
9:46 - Consumate method actor James Franco clearly still high from Pineapple Express bit botches pronunciation of film he gives award to. How adorable.
9:47 - I usually lose the Oscar pool on the the short awards (since lord know I never actually watch any of them), but luckily this year I did my homework and read that Spielzeugland is about the holocaust, so I totally nailed it. . . Like gangbusters.
9:53 - The clear winner of tonight's ceremony. Boobs.
10:08 - Heath Ledger wins award for playing badass homicidal terrorist. Not gonna lie, I'm getting a little misty here.
10:13 - Hollywood rescinds blackballing to allow Bill Maher a pulpit to present documentary awards and trash religion.
10:42 - To atone for last fifteen years of terrible film work Eddie Murphy gives Jerry Lewis humanitarian award.
10:57 - Wow, Peter Gabriel is looking surprisingly fit. . . and black.
11:12 - RIP: Paul Newman, Sydney Pollack, Michael Crichton, Isaac Hayes
11:20 - David Fincher looks pissed. Was he as disappointed with Banjamin Button as I was?
11:32 - Kate Winslet wins victory for illiterate Nazis everywhere.
11:35 - Alright Kate Winslet, I do love you, but let's wrap it up.
11:44 - Mickey Rourke loses. I call shenanigans.
11:55 - Slumdog sweeps. I wanna watch Trainspotting.
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