"But Jimmy," you say, "I was listening to Lily Allen back in September and she was just as overhyped back then." Unfortunately, thanks to the gross inefficiency of the US record industry, Lily didn't get a stateside release of her album until the end of January. So, now that they have the blessing of EMI, MTV can join the hype machine in the hopes that the same angsty tween girls that inexplicably put Lady Sovereign on the top of TRL will do the same for Lily.
Nevertheless, Alright Still was one of my favorite albums of the last year, and, after missing her show at the Hiro Ballroom last October, Erin and I wanted to check out her (abjectly titled) "MTV: Discover and Download" show at Webster Hall last night.
Here's a picture I took:

Here's a picture I wish I took:

Despite a chorus of overzealous girls behind us that felt the need to sing 20 decibles over PA and a woman standing in front of us that I have to assume is a point guard for the WNBA, I can't say I was disappointed with the show. Lily proved herself a somewhat unseasoned performer by not being able to stop herself from cracking up during a few numbers, which might have been offputting from any other singer, but in this case it was sort of endearing. Even towards the end of her set, when she was taking shots while puffing on a cigarette (which I might add did not stop her from hitting every note perfectly), she still couldn't stop me from thinking she was totally adorable. The set was a bit short, but she made up for it with some decent covers.
1 comment:
I wouldn't call them "overzealous" so much as "horribly annoying." They weren't just really excited...they were terrible to listen to. Way to have a huge crush on Lily Allen, by the way...I had no idea...
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